Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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109 lines
umin (>"_"+x,x>):->;
umin (>"-"+x,x>):->;
umin (>x,"_"+x>):.
int of float (>INT+y,INT>):.
INT ::@ i num (x>).
i num (x>): !0123456789! +(x>), ->;
i num ("0">): ^!! * (x>).
TRUE :: "True".
FALSE :: "False".
condition (>TRUE,>then part,>else part, then part>): ->;
condition (>FALSE,>then part,>else part, else part>):->;
condition (>x,>then part,>else part, VErr*STRING*"*** Bool required ">):.
\subsubsection{Transform indices VBuiltin {\tt "[]"}}
index (>"-"+x,>y,VErr*STRING*msg>): ->,
where (>"*** Negative index : -"+x, msg>);
index (>"_"+x,>y,VErr*STRING*msg>): ->,
where (>"*** Negative index : -"+x, msg>);
index (>nr,>VList*LIST*args, list index>): ->,
list index (>nr,>args, list index>);
index (>nr,>cons, cons index>):
where (>cons,VComp*_>), ->,
cons index (>nr,>cons, cons index>);
index (>nr,>cons, VInd*cons*I NUM *nr>):.
list index (>nr,>VList*LIST*empty, VErr*STRING*msg>): ->,
where (>"*** Index out of range:", msg>);
list index (>"0",>a*r, a>): ->;
list index (>MINUS 1,>a*r, x>):
list index(>MINUS 1,>r,x>), ->;
list index (>nr,>el,VInd*el*I NUM *nr>):.
cons index (>nr,>VList*LIST*empty, VErr*STRING*msg>):
where (>"*** Index out of range ", msg>), ->;
cons index (>"0",>VComp*a*r, a>): ->;
cons index (>MINUS 1,>VComp*a*r, x>): ->,
cons index (>MINUS 1,>r,x>);
cons index (>nr,>el,VInd*el*I NUM *nr>):.
slice (>lw,>upb,>VList*LIST* els ,slice>): ->,
skip lwb list elements (>lw, >els,>els, n els>, rest lw>),
more list slice (>rest lw,>lw, >upb, >n els, slice>);
slice (>lw,>upb,>cons, slice>):
where (>cons,VComp*_>), ->,
skip lwb cons elements (>lw, >cons, ncons>, rest lw>),
more cons slice (>rest lw,>lw, >upb, >n cons, slice>);
slice (>lw,>upb,>nocons, VSlice*no cons*lw'*upb'>):
where (>I NUM*lw, lw'>),
where (>I NUM*upb, upb'>).
more list slice (>"0",>lw, >upb,>n els, slice>): ->,
compute (>upb + "-"+lw+"+1", nr>),
list slice (> nr, >n els, slice>);
more list slice (>rest,>lw, >upb,>r, slice>):
compute (>upb + "-"+lw+"+"+rest, nu>),
where (>VSlice*r*l*u,slice>),
where (>I NUM*rest, l>),
where (>I NUM*nu, u>).
more cons slice (>"0",>lw, >upb,>n els, slice>): ->,
compute (>upb + "-"+lw+"+1", nr>),
cons slice (> nr, >n els, slice>);
more cons slice (>rest,>lw, >upb,>r, slice>):
compute (>upb + "-"+lw+"+"+rest, nu>),
where (>VSlice*r*l*u,slice>),
where (>I NUM*rest, l>),
where (>I NUM*nu, u>).
list slice (>"-"+x, >els , empty>): ->;
list slice (>"0", >els , empty>): ->;
list slice (>MINUS 1, >e*ee , VComp*e*slice>):
list slice (>MINUS 1, >ee, slice>), ->;
list slice (>MINUS 1,>r, slice >):
where (>VSlice*r*zero*upb,slice>),
where (>I NUM*"0", zero>),
where (>I NUM*MINUS 1, upb>).
skip lwb list elements (>"0", >prev,>els, els>, "0">): ->;
skip lwb list elements (>MINUS 1, >prev,>cur , n els>, rest>):
where (>cur, el*r>),
skip lwb list elements (>MINUS 1,>prev,>r, n els>, rest>), ->;
skip lwb list elements (>rest , >prev, >empty , prev>, rest>):.
skip lwb cons elements (>"0",>els, els>, "0">): ->;
skip lwb cons elements (>MINUS 1,>VComp*a*r, x>, rest>): ->,
skip lwb cons elements (>MINUS 1,>r,x>, rest>);
skip lwb cons elements (>rest,>last el, last el>,rest>):.
cons slice (>"-"+x, >els , VList*LIST*empty>): ->;
cons slice (>"0",>els, VList*LIST*empty>): ->;
cons slice (>MINUS 1,>VComp*a*r, VComp*a*slice>):
cons slice (>MINUS 1,>r,slice>), ->;
cons slice (>MINUS 1,>r, slice >):
where (>VSlice*r*zero*upb,slice>),
where (>INUM*"0", zero>),
where (>INUM*MINUS 1, upb>).